What is A Kamado Grill? [Guide to Big Green Egg & Ceramic Grill]


Kamado grills may look a bit unusual, but they offer a lot of cooking results. Here’s everything you need to know about the egg-shaped kitchen wonder.

How do you use a Kamado grill?

Although a bit unusual to look at, the Kamado grill has a long history that far surprises the modern American grill.

Many cultures have rich histories of using clay pots for cooking, and archaeologists have found traces of egg-shaped ovens in East Asia that date back 3,000 years.

It is believed that these pots were the different versions of the Kamado-style kilns that we know today.

While the material has changed from clay to ceramic, much of the shape that made the oven so effective is still there and continues to make these grills so great to use.

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What does kamado mean?

Although various countries have legitimate claims to the original kiln, the name ” kamado ” comes from the Japanese word for “stove” and has become the common name for this type of ceramic stove.

What are Kamado grills made of?

Modern Kamado grills are primarily constructed from refractory ceramic and refractory materials, with the outer shell being ceramic tile and high gloss lacquer. 

The combination of these materials helps the grill withstand the high temperatures it is subjected to without risk of cracking.

Kamado Grill exhaust flap

What fuel do Kamado grills use?

As with modern grills, the fuel kamados use can vary, but in general they tend to use charcoal. Some models run on gas or even electricity, but the best grills quickly always run on charcoal.

It’s true that gas or electricity can help make things easier, but they don’t offer the same quality of flavor as charcoal.

Only with charcoal can you get that nice smoky flavor and charred note in your food. Always choose lumpy charcoal and avoid briquettes altogether. The latter can contain unpleasant additives and chemicals that can be harmful over time,

Lump charcoal is also much more environmentally friendly as it has a much “purer” composition and does not have the chemical content that briquettes normally have.

What Are the Benefits of a Kamado Grill?

Using a Kamado grill is a lot easier than it sounds and in fact they are versatile in terms of what it can cook.

You can easily handle any of your traditional grilled meats like burgers or ribs. They do particularly well with smoked foods like beer can chicken, brisket, or Boston butt. It doesn’t end there. They can make awesome pizzas and breads if they add some awesome Kamado Grilling Accessories.

The key to its versatility and excellent performance is the stove’s ability to retain heat. This is due to its well-constructed ceramic case that allows for stable high temperatures, sometimes up to 750°F. In this respect they are similar to traditional pizza ovens and can bake or grill just as well as they can grill or smoke.

The compact shape and design of Kamado ceramic cookers make them easier to clean than many other types of grills.

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Which Kamado grill parts are there?

However, the Kamado Grill is more than just a shell. It also has some key features that make the oven a great performer.

A good grill is all about controlling airflow, and that applies to kamado cooking as much as it does to traditional grills. As models like the Kamado Joe Classic  have evolved, these attributes have improved from grill to grill.

To create airflow, it has an inlet (or vent) flap at the bottom and an outlet flap at the top. These vents are controllable, allowing you to adjust the airflow and temperature while cooking.

Your meat rests on a set of stainless steel grates located near the top of the grill dome. The standard setting for this is usually stainless steel, but you can also get cast iron grates for durability or porcelain coated for better heat distribution.

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