New York Strip Steak vs Ribeye


What are the differences between New York Strip and Ribeye? Here’s everything you need to know about two of today’s best cuts of beef.

New York strip steak vs. rib eye

Knowing the difference in your steaks can mean the difference between a great meal and a total disaster, especially when you’re the chef and don’t know what each cut calls for. If you’re at the other extreme and ordering the steak, it’s just as important to know the difference. In this article, we take a look at New York Tenderloin Steak vs. Ribey.

Both the Ribeye and the New York Strip Steak are prime cuts of beef. The last thing you want to do is desecrate it and you’re not cooking it properly. A premium cut of meat is unique, but also easy to mix and match. They look similar with only very subtle differences.

Where does the New York strip steak come from?

New York tenderloin steak is taken from the top of the tenderloin just behind the ribs, it’s called the longissimus muscle. It is meat that comes from the loins of the cow. If that’s too much detail for you, you might want to consider a different steak. This part of the cow is generally more tender and juicy than most others.

The size and fat/marbling content of New York Strip Steak

The New York Strip Steak has good marbling. However, it’s still less than what you would find in a ribeye steak. The fat in the steak is also less than what you would find in ribeye steak. It’s a great option if you’re looking for a lean steak with just a little fat that’s still tender.

Many lean cuts of meat tend to be heavier than their fatty counterparts. The New York Strip Steak offers you the best of both worlds. It’s halfway between lean and fat. However, the steak has a thick band down the side and usually has gristle on it. This is one of the significant differences between the two steaks.

Flavor and texture of New York strip steak

The New York strip steak is known for its immense flavor. The muscle in the steak is tender. It’s a softer texture than a ribeye. Because of this, it’s a bit chewy compared to ribeye. This is a flavorful steak that you are sure to enjoy.

Average cost

The average cost of a New York strip steak is about the same as the cost of a ribeye steak.

The Best Methods for Cooking New York Strip Steak

It’s low in fat, so it’s best when half-cooked. To do this, SHE can rub the fresh steak with herbs and spices such as salt, pepper, garlic and rosemary and then sear it in a pan for about 3 minutes. 

When it IS seared on one side, SHE can flip it and cook the other side, adding tablespoons of butter for more flavor, then remove the steak and let it rest. When cutting, be careful not to cut too thin strips so that the meat does not dry out.

Try our New York Grilled Tenderloin Steak

If you’d rather grill your steak, you can do so with minimal seasoning. It still takes a few minutes for the flavors to seal in and for the steak to be properly browned on both sides.

Pros of New York tenderloin steak 

  • It’s thinner than the rib.
  • it is full of flavor
  • that’s delicious
  • It is best cooked medium rare to retain its flavor.

Cons of New York tenderloin steak

  • The strip of fat on one side is tough and can be difficult to chew
  • It’s a tough steak to cook.

Where in the cow ribeye does it come from

The ribeye steak comes from the rib area of ​​the cow. It comes from the middle part of the rib. It’s the meaty part of the ribs. Ribeye steak will be boneless. If you are also someone who likes meat around the ribs but doesn’t want to deal with bones, you will enjoy ribeye steak. 

The size and fat/marbling content of ribeye

The fat content in this steak is high and shows up in marbled patterns. The high fat content makes this cut of meat tender and juicy. 

Rib eye flavor and texture

Ribeye is known for being tender, juicy and full of flavor thanks to its high fat content. 

The average cost of the rib eye

Ribeye steak usually costs the same as New York steak. It costs around £15.60 a kilo at the average grocer. A selection cut will cost you between $10 and $16 a kilo in the US, and if you opt for Prime+ the price will be closer to the $50 mark.

The Best Methods for Cooking Ribeye

Ribeye steak is best eaten infrequently. However, this is not a hard and fast rule; You can cook as you wish. For roasting, season your steak at room temperature, with salt and pepper, quite generously. You can let the steak rest for about 30 minutes before cooking so you know it’s room temperature. 

Then place in a preheated pan with enough oil to prevent sticking. Once the steak is in the pan, you can add thyme, garlic, rosemary, or any herbs you like. 

Butter the sides, then turn the steaks. Also remember to brown the steak on the sides. While you are cooking the steak, you can pour the melted butter over the steak, dying the tenderness of the steak. Fry for about 2 minutes on each side, so the total cooking time is about 4 minutes. 

On the grill, the cooking time stays the same depending on how you want your steak. First, make sure the steak is at room temperature. Then rub with salt, pepper and a little olive oil. After a few minutes on the hottest part of the grill, you can move it back to the coldest part of the grill. Then spread with butter. How to get from Medium Rare to Well Done.

Let the steak rest when done. 

Benefits of Ribeye

  • it tastes good
  • It’s more delicate compared to the New York strip.
  • Its high fat content makes it easy to grill or pan fry.
  • Stays wet longer.

Ribeye Cons

  • It’s not as healthy as New York Strip Steak, which is leaner.

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