How to Clean an Electric Smoker (7 Easy Steps)


Electric smokers are easy to use and reliable, but cleaning them can be a whole different story. Learn how to properly clean your electric smoker with our simple step-by-step guide.

The electric smoker is one of the best innovations in the world of grilling.

While traditional charcoal smokers can be intimidating to newcomers, electric models can make it much easier for you to enjoy your smoked meat.

Electric smokers are extremely easy to use and allow you to constantly smoke meat without having to monitor it.

All you have to do is set the temperature and timer, then let the meat simmer and simmer while it comes off and does its thing.

Cleaning the lower chamber of the smoker

But like all kitchen appliances, dirt and grease can build up pretty quickly.

Whether dust, soot or old food leftovers, everything has to go.

And I get it: It’s a chore. It requires some old-fashioned cleaning equipment and effort, but it will make the difference between your next smoking session being a success or going under without a trace.

In this simple, step-by-step guide, I’ll show you exactly how to clean your smoker and keep it in tip-top condition for whatever your next barbecue throws at you.

But first, here are a few things you’ll need to help with the cleanup. I’ve added some Amazon links in case you’re missing something.

Smoking cleaning tools

Quick preparation

If your smoker hasn’t been used for a while it’s good to go, but if you clean it immediately after use & YOU let it cool completely.

Unplug your smoker or turn it off at the power source. Don’t leave it covered in dirt for too long or you risk mold growing inside the camera and grease stains sticking to surfaces and becoming difficult to remove.

Once the smoker IS, remove the racks and all other removable parts, including the water pan , drip pan, and smoker box. We clean them separately.

Now let’s start cleaning!

Fat in the smokehouse
It only takes a few uses for the smoker to be covered in grease.

How to clean the interior of the smoker

Let’s start by removing any irritating residue and loose dirt. Take a piece of cloth and dip it in the soapy water. Wring it out to remove excess water and clean the inside surfaces with the damp cloth.

Not only does this give us a first pan of the camera, but it also gives us stubborn dirt and grease particles, making subsequent brushing easier.

Clean smoking grates with a brush
Start with a simple sweep of the smoking surfaces with a bristle brush to remove loose dirt and debris.

Dip the soft-bristled brush in hot water and use it to wash away any visible residue. it’s gentle. You can use moderately warm water as it makes it easier to clean grease stains. Avoid using wire brushes or brushes with hard bristles. Such bristles are probably the coating on the inner surfaces. This exposes them to oxidation.

Once you’ve brushed away the dirt, wipe it away with the damp cloth. Make sure to clean the corners and edges properly, as more dirt tends to accumulate in these nifty spots. Use your spray bottle to spray controlled amounts of water on interior surfaces. You shouldn’t use that much water as your smoker can die if the water sits for too long or gets on the circuit components.

After cleaning the inner chamber, wipe off excess water with a dry cloth or paper towel. You can also leave the door open and let the moisture dry on its own.

Don’t bother getting rid of the dark coating that forms on the walls. This layer increases over time as you use your kitchen. Helps insulate interior surfaces from rust. Many people misunderstand it as dirt. Now you know! All you have to worry about is removing dirt and oily stains.

How to clean electric incense burners

You have already removed the racks from the inner chamber. Cleaning is very easy. First, brush off any debris that may be stuck to it. If the stains aren’t that stubborn, all you need is warm, soapy water and a cloth to wash them off.

Open smoker door with clean grill grates
Aaaah… That’s better.

For more stubborn stains, you can soak the grids in warm, soapy water. You can also add some baking soda to the water to improve stain removing ability.

Leave it in the water for about 30 minutes and then use your brush to clean the shelves. Rinse them with clean water and let them dry before placing them back in the chamber.

Another method I’ve tried before that has proven effective for removing stubborn stains is to heat it in the oven at about 200 degrees Celsius for about ten minutes before brushing. It somehow breaks the connection between the patches and the metal rods, making cleaning easier.

How to clean the smoker box

Do you remember that trash can I asked you for? Well, this is where it comes in. Most of the soot and ash is collected in this small box. Dump all ash and assembly into trash can for disposal. Wash the inside and outside of the case with soapy water and a brush, then dry it.

A smoker box made of stainless steel is usually much easier to clean. Get in the habit of emptying the box as often as possible. You can also opt for the reinvented disposable smoker boxes if you’re not that finicky about cleaning. But how many of these would you need to buy, especially if you have a restaurant? Emptying and cleaning the box seems quite easy, uncomplicated and inexpensive in my opinion.

How to clean the temperature sensor

First of all, this depends on the type of temperature sensor your smoker uses. If it’s the built-in digital sonar, don’t touch it. You could end up ruining your grill. Simply wipe the outside with a damp cloth and you’re good to go.

If you use the old temperature probe that has two metal pongs that stick to the smokehouse, you just die the pongs clean between them. You can wash out the stain with a piece of cloth. Don’t submerge the whole thing in water as you might end up messing it up.

So restart the camera window

That’s where old newspapers and girl’s laundry detergent come in. In the absence of maid cleaning supplies, you can use a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle. It works just as well. Spray every part of the window with the cleaner.

Some people would use the newspaper to directly clean the window while the window is still wet. However, I prefer to use a piece of cloth first to remove dirt stains.

After cleaning, spray the window with clean, soap-free water and let it dry for a while. Now take the sheet of newspaper and shred it unevenly and use it to remove the remaining moisture until the window is completely dry.

Use the same cloth to clean the other part of the smoker door and use a brush to remove dirt and grime stuck in the cracks at the edges of the door. Then you are done with everything inside your smoker. Now it’s time to tie to clean the outside.

How to clean the outside of the smoker

The exterior should be the easiest to clean. There aren’t many stubborn stains on the outside. A damp cloth, warm water, and your soft brush are probably all you need at this point. Just clean all the outside walls. Don’t forget to clean the vent on your smoker. If it’s removable, YOU can take it out and clean away grime that has built up over time.

Accumulation of fat on the smoker's outer legs

How to flavor your electric smoker

This is essential for a new electric grill. Your new smoker may be coated with chemicals that can harm your health or give your meat an undesirable odor. You need to season your grill to remove extraneous odors and chemicals. So you should act.

First connect it to the power supply and turn it on. Preheat at 275 degrees for about three hours. Leave open to air after heating. By this time, any chemicals and oils that would otherwise have spoiled the flavor of the food should have evaporated.

When you first heat up your smoker, add some wood chips to further harden it and get it ready for use. When you are finished smoking and heating, clean the racks and interior walls of your smoker. Now is ready to use.

Oil the grates before cooking the meat to avoid stains. You can also use vegetable oil on the inner surfaces. Now YOU can cook your meat with confidence. Caring for your grill is vital. The good thing is that it’s as simple as described in this article.

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