Napoli Pizza Oven | REVIEWED


The Napoli outdoor oven has become one of the most respected home pizza ovens and a leader in home pizza making. Our Napoli pizza oven review aims to show you how it stacks up against the competition.

Napoli pizza oven test

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Our love of pizza is nothing new. Everyone has their favorite topping, style and art of doing it. This passion for one of the best foods on earth has led thousands of us to create our own homemade versions, and with it the popularity of home pizza ovens has increased.

At the forefront of the revolution is the Napoli outdoor pizza oven. And for a good reason. Simply put, this is the best outdoor pizza oven out there today.

Bertello Outdoor Pizza Oven Black

  • Authentic outdoor portable gas, charcoal and wood-burning pizza oven
  • Cook at over 500 degrees Celsius with the Bertello outdoor pizza oven
  • Use charcoal, wood, pellets or our gas burner accessories (sold separately) for real wood…
Napoli pizza oven on a backyard table

It may not have the daunting construction of a traditional wood-burning stove, but what it offers at a fraction of the cost is remarkable.

More importantly, the homemade pizza is as good as it gets.

Let’s take a closer look.

Characteristics of the pizza oven Napoli

At a glance: the features of the Napoli Outdoor

  • Maximum temperature: 930°F
  • Fuel: gas, coal or wood
  • Dimensions: 12.5 x 13.5 inches
  • Material: Cordierite Stone

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Oven design

Straight out of the box this is a classy looking stove.

With a black material construction and a letter box shape, this thing has an almost minimal design. Making pizza is a quick and easy way to cook, so we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Napoli pizza oven design

Inside the oven, the Napoli features a beautiful cordierite pizza stone. We love seeing this in a home oven. Much more durable than ceramic, cordierite is known to withstand very high temperatures ( source ) without cracking. All of this happens while maintaining the heat to cook your pizza crust.

Cordierite stones purchased individually can be expensive. Having one with the Napoli pizza oven is a huge asset. Other kilns tend to use cheaper and less quality materials such as ceramics, with most of what you pay going for the kiln body.

The compact size of the Napoli also offers portability. This makes it easy to take out and store at home or even take with you on the road to make it the perfect companion to your portable RV grill or camping grill.

Fuel types

Many traditional and modern pizza ovens stubbornly allow only one type of fuel to be used. This is usually wood for older stoves and coal or gas for newer ones.

Napoli decided “Why not all three?” This gives you much more flexibility when cooking. Wood and charcoal are great for purists, but if you’re struggling with time it’s great to be able to turn to propane.

The stove only accepts wood pellets and not logs. In an ideal world, the latter would have wires, but given the stoves’ more compact size, Napoli has done well to include wood pellets.

Pieces of wood put in the Napoli kiln

Wood pellets also come in different types and scents, so while they don’t burn as hot or as clean as logs, you can still squeeze out some nice, woody flavors to enhance the flavor of your pizza. Check out our guide to the best wood for pizza ovens for more information.

Unfortunately the gas option is not included for the Napoli and you will need to purchase the propane accessories separately.

You can get the propane torch accessories here on Amazon

Pizza yield and quality

It is understandable that there are doubts as to whether the taste of pizzas from this oven can compete with traditional ovens.

The answer is that it’s pretty close.

Homemade pizza freshly made out of the outdoor oven

This use of cordierite is evident when examining the Napoli’s power output. Unlike other types of stone material, cordierite is built to withstand extremely high temperatures and can withstand temperatures as high as 880°F. Therefore, the oven is well built to withstand this heat stress.

The brand claims the oven can reach around 930°F, although we were only able to get around 850°F in our tests. However, this is still good and definitely up to the task of cooking high temperature pizza. 

The durable construction of the oven helps to consistently maintain good cooking temperatures. When baking pizza at around 200 °C, we did not notice any significant temperature fluctuations. Many ovens or grills fail due to poor temperature retention due to poor material construction, so I’m happy to say it’s not grounded under anything like that.

The wood pellet pizza we made in our lovely tests had a chewy bottom with a nice char around the edge.

When we tried charcoal we didn’t see much char, but other than that it was cooked through. It has a rich, smoky flavor. This might not be for everyone, but for people who love charcoal pizza, this is definitely a huge plus.

Naples Outdoor Open

The performance of the propane stove was disappointing. We could taste the fuel on our pizza, and the overall quality wasn’t all that different from a standard kitchen oven. However, it heats up very quickly, much faster than wood or charcoal. Does this mean that the propane accessories are worth buying? Probably not. But when you’re on the road or in a tailgate and all other means have failed you, it’s always handy to have a backup option.

Cleaning and maintenance

Anyone who has a charcoal grill or smoker will attest to the hassle of cleaning up after cooking. For this reason, many outdoor kitchens have developed cleaning trays to speed up the process.

Fortunately, the Napoli is very easy to care for. If the pizza is just baking on the stone, whenever you just have to clean the cordierite. Some ash may form around the stone, but you don’t have to go into the crevices of the oven to clean it.

How to use Naples

If using gas, install a propane burner, then slide the wood tray over the burner.

Turn on the burner and allow the oven to preheat.

Once the stove has reached the desired temperature, open the wood access door and add wood pellets of your choice. The propane burner ignites the wood for more flavor.

Use the server to add your pizza and bake for about 90 seconds.

Final verdict

The Napoli Outdoor is a modern home pizza oven that does a great job for both beginners and pros alike in recreating traditional wood-fired pizza.

It looks great, retains heat well and can reach high temperatures. Napoli has produced a pizza oven that finally makes authentic homemade pizza accessible to newcomers.

While it’s high quality, there’s a bit of a learning curve to using it, and the lack of a built-in temperature gauge can also complicate things.

Bertello Outdoor Pizza Oven Black

  • Authentic outdoor portable gas, charcoal and wood-burning pizza oven
  • Cook at over 500 degrees Celsius with the Bertello outdoor pizza oven
  • Use charcoal, wood, pellets or our gas burner accessories (sold separately) for real wood…

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